Rhino 7 SubD練習-Jordan球鞋概念設計/Air Jordan basketball shoes concept design


第一次嘗試畫球鞋,外觀元素匯集了對過去Nike Air Jordan系列(尤其是9~13代)的印象:紅黑配色、亮皮搭配、側邊條狀分塊等


The first time I tried to design basketball shoes, the design concept is mix the shape elements of the past Nike Air Jordan series(especially gen.9~13): red and black color matching, bright leather matching, side blocks, etc.

This case using Rhino7 SubD tools for drawing, it is convenient to adjust the shape, and easy to connect the complex surface of soles.

SubD狀態/SubD status

轉nurbs分件/ covert SubD object to nurbs polysurface for separate parts and add detail.

2021/10/09-補上鞋底紋路/add pattern
